| reflecting + getaway |

+ the cutest little print

i promise i won't get back into falling off the face of the earth due to work.  work has mentally drained me so late last week jeff and i went and bought a tent then a few days ago we bought ourselves stand up paddle boards.  both of these purchases will offer a getaway.  yesterday while i was paddling along the lagoon at sunset i felt so...as cheesy as it may sound...alive.  we separated ourselves from this crazy world; connected without technology and just enjoyed the moment.  We can't wait to take our tent to who knows where and just ground ourselves with nature and life.  I often times forget to take a step back to just be still and breathe.  So I'm sorry I haven't blogged in almost a week, love you guys and appreciate your support; I'm working on my balancing act. xxoo

+ dreamy camp inspo

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