| cooking class at casa gola |

one of my favorite memories of our 30 day vacation was taking a cooking class at casa gola.  our translator showed up at our villa in the morning and lead us through the hills above bevagna where we met Luciana, the owner of casa gola and her assistant Aurora.  We get a tour of Luciana's second home: she has this home for full days of cooking and growing olives, tomatoes and loads of other veggies.  After the tour we sit down for fresh coffee, figs (still looking for them around san diego) and fresh anisette biscotti to get our palate prepped for a full day of tasting and cooking.  Luciana and Aurora both speak minimal english however they were so warm and welcoming.  my family and i played sous chefs for the day; chopping, tasting, drinking and enjoying this unbelievable ambiance.   We stopped for breaks to sip wine, snack on fresh breads, more figs and other tasty snacks.  We prepared a traditional stale bread salad, fresh veggie frittata, stuffed zucchini's, meatballs, pasta with fresh pesto and marinara sauce and custard.  after a very filling early dinner we enjoyed coffee and chatting with the ladies before signing their guest book and saying goodbye to such memorable women and experience.

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