| homemade english toffee ice cream |

father's day was so fun!  we ended up going to my parents house and hanging out by the pool, drinking, eating, eating some more and just relaxing.  it was amazing!  i had such a hard time deciding what i should get my dad for father's day so besides a few 'material' things i decided i would make him homemade ice cream.  For our wedding our friends Lauren and Jeff got us the ice cream attachment for our kitchenaid.  a few things before i share the amazing english toffee recipe i made for my dad: 1. homemade ice cream is the best. rather than putting all the ice cream in 1 large container portion it out if you have the space and containers. trust me.   2. Set aside ample amount of time.  it's not that it takes SO much time but the prep does take some patience. 3. follow the manufacturer instructions; we use to have an inexpensive ice cream maker and i followed the cookbook rather than the manual and just ended up with an anti-climatic ice cream.

english toffee ice cream inspired by ben & jerry's recipe: 
2 cups english toffee [ 1 package of english toffee ]
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups whipping cream
1 cup whole milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
[ carmel for drizzle ]
  • if you don't buy the candy pre chopped use a sharp knife to cut the candy into 1/2-1 inch chunks.  place the chunks in a bowl , cover and freeze.
  • whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy 1 - 2 minutes.  whisk in the sugar, a little at a time.  continue whisking until completely blended, about a minute.  Pour in the cream, milk and vanilla and whisk together [ i used our kitchenaid hand blender with the whisk attachement]
  • *ben and jerry's did not have this step in their recipe but multiple other recipes recommended this step; so i followed.  I covered my ice cream mixture and placed it in the fridge for an hour.
  • transfer mixture to an ice cream maker or freeze.
  • after the ice cream stiffens, about 2 minutes before it's done, add the candy.  If the ice cream is too soft for you, place in tupperware and freeze for a few hours.
                                                         - makes generous 1 quart

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