| motivation monday: i bought a juicer |

after completely stuffing my face at every meal and snack in Boston my body was screaming for better nutrients by the end of the week.  i met my girlfriend Nicole for lunch in Southie at Bee's Knees on Thursday and once we caught up over a delicious fruit and nut salad my body was still craving more greens and although the juice was absolutely amazing and helped my need for greens it was $8.50!  The next morning, Jeff and I wake up and I still feel my body screaming for something healthy so we ran over to a Coffee Corner Cafe in Newton Highlands rather than our typical Dunkin or Bolocco morning...anyway, the juice was $8.50 or so again.  SO it was settled, I was buying a juicer when we got back home.  We still had some gift cards left over from our wedding so I figured there was no better time: enter the Breville Juicer.  I've was researching blogs all day from bed  yesterday while I caught up on emails, bills, etc.  I am SO excited to start today with juice.  I really love a green juice and I love the way it makes me feel.  Last night we loaded up on loads of veggies (so much cheaper than going to a local spot to buy a juice) and are ready to get back on track.  Do I have any other juice lovers out there?  Any recipes you want to share? please please! happy monday!
+ this place claims to have the best iced coffee. husband approved.  I was very much in love with my green juice: kale, spinach, kiwi, ginger, carrot, cucumber, celery and lemon.

// juicer // etsy print // books 1, 2, 3, 4 //

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