| dream chaser |

guys: something big happened yesterday - i put in my notice at my job.  i've been with Guess? for 3 years (1 year as a handbag merchandiser and 2 years as a wholesale merchandiser) so this life transition is so exciting but also crazy.  there are many reasons why i've decided to leave my job and maybe this will sound cheesy but the main reason.... i want to chase my dreams: ya know take risks and not look back and have regrets.  although my job has had it's ups and downs like all jobs my biggest complaint is it's taken away my time.  i feel very fortunate that i am able to walk away from my job with the support of my husband and that i'll get to work with him (and bug him).  These next few weeks may get a bit crazy but i'm so excited for the next chapter and freedom. ps: happy July 1! woah.

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