| exploring venice |

oh venice: you weren't easy to get to but you are enchanting.  we jumped on the train from rome to venice (it was a long one--roughly 4 hours, I recommend flying).  once we arrived in venice we had to jump on the vapereto water taxi / public trans to our hotel.  We enjoyed our first day just exploring shops, alleys and scenery.  we stayed at the hotel giorgione a charming hotel near loads of shopping, restaurants and public transportation.  I'll continue to post our days in venice but i must tell you, when planning a trip to venice pack your bug spray; the mosquitos are viscous!  

{ shop the look: } zara, tee // levis, shorts // vans, sneakers // j.crew belt (similar) // piperlime super, sunnies


  1. Hello!

    I somehow stumbled across your blog while looking for reviews of Vans this evening. I am looking at purchasing my very first pair! I have read all sorts of stories on various websites about Vans making feet really sweaty so I have been hesitant to buy a pair in the past. Has this been your experience with Vans or are your feet always sweat-free when you wear them?

    Fantastic website, by the way! You have a new fan!


    1. Hey Sarah!

      Thanks for the compliment about the site! I live for my vans. i feel like day to day wear my feet are fine: during my travels my feet may of gotten a bit sweaty but i'd credit that to all the walking. Also, there are some really awesome sock companies out there that make socks that totally hide when wearing your sneaks. Hope that helps.
      all the best -

    2. Thank you for the excellent feedback! Do you personally wear yours without socks or with the little 'no show' socks?

      Have you ever had your Vans develop an odor, and if so, can they be washed?

      I hope all is well!

    3. I do both! I usually don't wear socks. My vans don't smell but I must say my husbands do, haha. I haven't washed either of ours but have washed sneakers in the past and feel like it's one of those inevitable things: sneaks start to eventually smell. I hope that helps!

    4. I would love to have feet like yours! You must be one of the few people who can wear Vans, or any shoes, without socks and not have to suffer the consequences!

      I have a pair of leather flats I wear without socks and, well, let's just say I prefer to be alone when I take them off. You are soooooooo lucky not to have that problem! :)
